Usui Tibetan Reiki Certification Classes

Held in Summerville SC (outside Charleston)

Register for Reiki 1 class now

Register for Reiki 2 Class now

Register for Reiki Master Certification

Register for Reiki Master Teacher Certification

Register for all 4 Reiki Certification Classes at a significant savings

Shamanism Training

The rediscovery of shamanism has emerged as a major component of the modern world’s spiritual reawakening. Please get in touch with me directly to assess your readiness for this advanced training.  I offer four levels of shamanism training:

  • Shamanism Level 1: Introduction to Shamanic Journeying…Find Your Power Animals​
  • Shamanism Level 2: Soul Retrievals
  • Shamanism Level 3: Psychopomp: How to Guide Souls Into the Light
  • Shamanism Level 4: Sacred Ceremony

Mediumship for Beginners

August 25, 2024 in Summerville SC. 9:30-2pm 

This class explores mediumship, the ability to communicate with spirit. This class includes lessons in….

  • What is Spirit?
  • The Six Clair Senses (ESP or psychic senses)
  • Other Psychic Senses 
  • Psychometry Practice (receiving psychic impressions from objects) 
  • What is Mediumship?
  • Meditation: Meet Your Spirit Guide or Angel
  • Psychic Practice How to Do a Mediumship Reading
  • Self-Care for Mediums
  • Recommended Reading and Classes 

Register here for this class. 

Intuitive Tarot for Beginners

Are you intrigued by the Tarot but feeling daunted by the myriad symbols? Unsure of where to start with Tarot reading? This workshop is tailor-made for you! Throughout this 3-hour session, you will learn how to intuitively read Tarot cards without the need for memorizing complex symbols. While understanding the symbolic meanings can be beneficial, this workshop emphasizes that it’s not a prerequisite for providing insightful readings.

Dates: October 27, 2024, 10 am-2 pm, Register now for this fun class.

New Class!  Meet the Goddesses

Date and Time: December 1, 2024, 10am-1 pm

What are Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Isis, and Sekhmet like? In this class, you will get to know these goddesses and more. Tina Clarke is a Reiki Master Teacher who has been working with these goddesses for many years. She will share her insight on what they are like and will guide you in wonderful meditation so you can connect with the goddess who wants to work with you.


Register here for Discovering Mary Magdalene

Student Testimonials

I just completed Reiki level 1 with Tina. What a great experience! I loved our small group, sharing our life stories, and learning together. I was able to connect to the Source and felt the energy going through my body. Wow! I am so inspired and motivated to practice, and to learn more and more. Thanks, Tina. It was wonderful–Anastiya Hay

I have received Reiki and have been attuned as a Reiki Master under the guidance of Tina. I have also learned the wonderful experience of Shamanic journeying under her. Through my journeying, I was able to release my lifelong severe arachnophobia! It was so unexpected as this was my first journey. Tina is amazing, knowledgeable, and 1000% real. She doesn’t pretend to know something or lie for fear of sounding inexperienced or unknowledgeable. A true Lightworker!–Es Walsh

I took Tina’s Reiki 1 class and the next day I had such a strong sense of urgency to completely heal myself.. physically and emotionally, especially of all of my insecurities. I feel happier than I have in a long time. I look forward to continuing learning! I 100% recommend Tina. 💜–Rebecca Cas

I’m thrilled to say that I’ve become a Reiki master under the guidance of Tina! Other classes and experiences include a recent sound bath and a class for empaths. I’ve also had the pleasure of receiving a Reiki treatment from Tina. Tina has awoken and nurtured a healing energy within me, that I am forever grateful for–Amy Smith